The Final Countdown and the Dangers of Google

Lots has happened since I last posted about an emotional experience with a chair. For one thing, we finished the nursery (photos of that to come soon). Baby clothes were washed and folded, car seat installation completed, and many bowls of cookies n cream ice cream have been consumed.

We are almost at the end. Today, we are 38 weeks and 3 days. At our weekly doctor visit this week, I was measured and ultrasounded and poked. Our doctor is concerned because Pip is measuring a little bit too big (he is measuring at just over 8lbs), and my level of amniotic fluid is too high. He said that if we don’t have Pip naturally by next Tuesday, we will schedule an induction for sometime within week 39.

Can I tell you something not to do ever while pregnant? Or maybe just ever. Do not google things your doctor tells you about. Just don’t do it! I spent the better part of the day on Tuesday afraid for all sorts of defects for Pip, and for complications that I might face in delivery. I worried about the dangers of inducing labor, and that I might be unable to have an all-natural delivery if I am induced.

And for what? Did the random experiences of women posting on the internet give me more useful information that what my doctor told me? No. I am still in the same situation. I am going to wait and see what will happen by next Tuesday and go from there. I am honestly no better informed than I was before google searching. If anything, I had to undo the psychological damage of reading how much more at risk Pip is for certain problems that did not indicate just how low that risk was to begin with.

I don’t mean to say that it’s inappropriate to have questions and concerns about the doctor’s choices, but I don’t think hysterical posts found through a web search are the best way to deal with those questions. Lesson learned!

Anyway, the great news is that in about a week, one way or another, Pip will be born and Peach will become a mommy! This is great news, and what we are choosing to focus on in our house today. đŸ™‚

5 thoughts on “The Final Countdown and the Dangers of Google

  1. Sounds like you and I did the same thing yesterday: spent hours googling ‘induced labor.’ But I came away feeling terribly impressed about how relatively simple and safe it is, and thankful that we have modern medicine!

  2. Jess, my first labor was induced, and while I wouldn’t exactly describe it as fun, James was born perfectly healthy and 8lbs 12. Just so you have a story from someone who’s not a random woman from the internet.

  3. Thanks, Maud. I know it will be okay. At this point, I’m a little nervous about having a failed induction (one that results in a c-section), but not much else. And a c-section isn’t the worst thing in the world.

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